
WGIU 5.5

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Epilogue to Issue 5:

Megan comes home from work as usual to find Gloria parked on the
couch, hand in the potato chip bowl.  After the last incident that occurred
when Megan commented, she decides to keep her thoughts to herself.  Besides,
she's not sure if she can handle another mocking of her newly gained
potbelly, which hasn't gotten smaller in the least.  In fact, Megan's sure
it's gotten fatter, showing signs of eventually turning from a gentle
swelling to a bowl of soft, chubby pudge right over her middle.  She quietly
enters the apartment and heads to put her things away.
Gloria hears her roommate sighing in the kitchen.  She turns to see
Megan leaning against the counter, looking down sadly and touching her
woefully exposed stomach.
        "Megan, are you alright?"
"Hmp?" She quickly took her hands off of her stomach and folded her
arms tightly across her chest.  "Oh yeah, I'm fine..."  Megan sighed again
however, and sunk down a few inches.  
"Alright..." said Gloria, not wanting to pry.  She turned back to
the tv.
Megan went back to studying her new bulge.  It looked so big when
she stared right down at it.  Maybe it was a trick of perspective.  She was
silent for a few moments, then suddenly spoke:
"Yeah?" she responded, without turning her head.
"Do you think my belly is... cute?"

Gloria sat motionless for a moment then turned to look at Megan.  
She blushed tremendously.
"I mean, it's not that big yet, and it's only my stomach that's
gained any weight, you know?  I mean, having a chubby stomach doesn't
automatically make you a fat girl right?  I mean, there's nothing wrong with
being a fat girl!  I just mean, you know, on me, is it... cute..."  She
trailed off and turned even deeper red.
"Megan, it's adorable.  I wish when I had gotten fat I had only
gained a belly at first, instead I gained weight all over immediately.  The
way I see it, you're getting the best of both worlds.  You can still fit in
all your clothes and most people will still consider you pretty skinny, but
you've got this wonderful little round tummy.  It'll give the boys something
to squeeze," she said, grinning.
Megan was holding her hands down in front of her so her arms covered
her belly.  "Yeah, I guess you're right...  I'm not minding it as much as I
thought I would.  I just wish I could figure out where it was coming from!  
I hardly eat during the day, I never eat junk food, even though the kitchen
is full of yours.  I just don't know..."


Gloria was sleeping soundly late one night when the sound of Megan's
door swinging open and suddenly smacking the wall woke her with a start.  
She heard footsteps walk past her room towards the living room of the
apartment, but they were slow and uneven, very unlike Megan's usual light
step.  Gloria rolled out of bed in nothing but her underwear (no need to put
anything else on, Megan was well used to seeing her fat ass in panties and a
bra) and followed the footsteps.
Megan hadn't turned any lights on, so Gloria had to squint to make
out her roommate trudging towards the kitchen in her panties and a short
small t-shirt.
"Megan?  Is everything alright?"  Megan made no response at all, but
kept walking right past the counter towards the cabinet at the far side.
"Megan? MEGAN!!"  Gloria shouted, but still no response.  "Oh my
gosh, Megan walks in her sleep!"  Gloria followed her right into the
kitchen, having no fear that she would notice.  Megan went to the cabinet
where she kept her food and pull open the door.  Being that is was Megan's
cabinet, there wasn't much in it that was immediately edible; cans of tuna
and packages of couscous and other weird things Gloria never touched.  
Somehow Megan grabbed a half full bag of rice cakes, though and pulled them
out.  She leaned against the wall, opened the bag, and began cramming her
mouth full of rice cakes, shovelling them down as fast as her mouth could
chew.  Her eyes were barely opened as she devoured the contents of the bag
as if she were in a trance.
"Oh my gosh!" Gloria squeaked, "Megan EATS in her sleep!" Megan
stopped stuffing her face for a moment and looked up.  Gloria was terrified
that her roommate had noticed her presence, but then realized she was
looking at the refridgerator behind her.  Megan reached out a hand and began
to move towards the fridge like a zombie.  Gloria scooted aside, then opened
up the fridge.  She grabbed Megan's carton of fat-free milk--then had an
idea, and put it back and grabbed her own carton of whole milk instead.  She
placed it in Megan's outstretched hand, who then proceeded to pop it open
and gulp down half the carton in one breath.  Megan tucked it under her arm
and polished off the last of the rice cakes.  She drained the last of the
milk then did the strangest thing yet:  the ultimate neat-freak, even in her
sleep, she walked straight to the trash, popped open the lid, and neatly
disposed of the evidence.  Gloria watched in amazement as Megan wiped her
mouth with the back of her arm, then blindly sauntered off towards her room,
rubbing her gorged stomach.
"So THAT'S why I always get blamed for eating all her food!  I TOLD
her I wasn't eating her damn rice-cakes!  Just because I'm the fat one I get
blamed for everything..."  Gloria grumbled, but the idea that had struck her
earlier re-emerged into her mind...


Gloria heard the slam of the door, and sprung out of bed as nimbly
as her massive body could.  Luckily there was no need to sneak up on Megan,
safely in her zombie-like state, Gloria mused; obese girls most likely make
terrible ninjas.  She opened the door just as Megan shuffled by towards her
somnambulist-snack-time.  Gloria passed her and positioned herself in the
kitchen safely out of the way.  Megan reached for her cabinet again, but
rather than finding it sparsely stocked with her own usual health food, the
shelves were loaded with all of Gloria's junk food.  Boxes of Krispy Kremes,
packages of chocolate cookies, Swiss Cake Rolls, Twinkies, you name it, all
of Gloria's favorites and more, since she had stocked up on a variety of
sweets to see what Megan would take.  Megan showed no sense of
discrimination however, falling upon the first package that fell into her
hands like a pack of wolves.  First went all 6 Krispy Cremes, followed by
the 6 twin packs of Swiss cakes rolls, and it looked like Megan was through.
Gloria was amazed to see how much Megan could force down when she had an
unlimited supply at hand, and was a little shocked that she showed no
preference for taste, methodically cramming down one whole package after
another.  It seemed as if Megan's drive was simply to be full, not to really
taste what was going down.
"Poor girl," Gloria thought, "she must starve herself during the
day!"  Megan suddenly snapped out of the engorged stupor she had fallen
into, and made a move for the fridge again.  Gloria had to hop out of the
way this time, and decided to see what Megan would do on her own.  She
opened the fridge and gazed dreamily inside for about ten seconds, then
reached for the small jug of whole milk Gloria had mixed with half a bottle
of chocolate syrup.  Megan popped off the lid and began chugging the milk
down so fast the sides of the jug collapsed.  She stopped when there was
only about a third of the jug left and gasped, chocolate milk running down
her face.  The girl must like her chocolate, Gloria thought to herself.  
Then unexpectedly, Megan swiveled around, and with the handle of the jug
dangling from one hand, tore open the box of twinkies and began mechanically
removing them from the package and shoving them into her mouth.  Finally
there was one package left.  She grabbed it, held it in the air for what was
at least 30 seconds, then put it back in the box, put the box neatly back in
its place in the cabinet, then shut the door.  She drained the last of the
milk in one go, then clumsily bent over and picked up the trash from the
floor.  After depositing it all in the trash, she staggered back to her bed,
cradling the bulge that was now her stomach in her slim hands.  
After she had returned all of her food to her own cupboard, Gloria
followed Megan to her room and found her back in bed, under the covers, with
her hands folded over her bloated stomach that was now making a bulge in the
blanket.  "My poor little glutton," Gloria whispered to her sleeping
roommate, then wiped the chocolate milk from her face.  "I'm going to have
to start leaving you out napkins, too."  And, she thought as she went back
to her own room, I'm going to have to start buying A LOT more food...


"Maybe it's just some stubborn water weight?" Gloria suggests.  
"I dunno... I think it's fat, Gloria.  It feels like it... it feels
like yours.  It's kind of nice..."  She breaks a smile.
"Come here.  It's my turn"
"Oh come on, you got to touch mine.  Come over here and let me touch
your stomach, I'll tell you whether it's the real thing or not."
"Fine!  But only once."  Megan smirks, and walks up behind the
couch.  She pulls up her t-shirt and presses out her gut as far as she
can--she actually feels a tremor of terror when she realizes how big that
"Not like that, you're making it hard.  Relax."  Megan lets her
stomach relax, and it returns to being its usual smooth round dome that
bulged and hung just slightly over her waist band--it was still fairly
tight, but had a little bit of pooch quality to it as well.
Gloria runs one hand over it, eyeing the belly like a farmer would
eye the plump pig he was getting ready for market.  She puts her thumb over
Megan's belly button and squeezes her fat, causing her to squeal.
"Quit that!"  Gloria gives Megan a pat--causing a very slight jiggle,
she notices.  Megan pulls her shirt back down as far as it goes.  "I'm
never letting you do that again!" she cries, but she's laughing with a big
ridiculous smile on her face.  "So, what do you think?"
"Hmm.." Gloria muses, "Definitely sexy."
Megan rolls her eyes, then climbs over the back of the couch and
plops down next to Gloria.  "I wanted to know if you thought I was getting
fat or not..."
"For what it's worth, you're not getting fat, you're getting a
belly.  But... bellies tend to be made out of fat..."
"Yeah..." Megan looks at her little roll and rubs it. "I
think I can deal with it."
"Atta girl.  Want some chips?" says Gloria.
"No thanks.  I'm just not very hungry lately..."

Whoops! This belongs in my gallery, i must have never added it. It's a non-comic mini-chapter explaining a bit about what's going on with Meg and Gloria. It was supposed to be read after WGIU 5.
© 2008 - 2024 kastemel
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ivanlerma's avatar
i may not like this kind of stuff on the internet but let me ask something
how come this wasn't a comic and just a journal story?